Mounir Highlights the Role of SAF in Aviation's Net-Zero Goals at ISTAT EMEA

During the ISTAT EMEA, our co-founder and Director, Mounir Kuzbari, offered valuable insights into the future of sustainable aviation. He emphasized the significant role of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in steering the aviation industry towards its net-zero carbon emissions targets. Mounir also provided an overview of SAF One's strategic initiatives, which are at the forefront of fostering a more sustainable future in aviation.

These initiatives highlight the growing intersection between sustainability and innovation within the sector. As the industry continues to adapt and evolve, SAF is increasingly recognized as a vital component in achieving environmental goals without compromising the efficiency and growth of aviation.

The discussion at during the panel not only sheds light on the current state of sustainable aviation but also signals exciting times ahead. The focus on SAF and other innovative strategies presents a clear path forward for the industry, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability that resonates with the global imperative to address climate change.


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